From this Issue

Table of Contents
- Professor Emeritus Joseph Warren Beach
Root Buds
- William Carlos Williams
- Floyd Dell
- Clara Shanafelt
Pouters and Fantails
Three Poems
- Horace Holley
- Mabel D. Carry
- Louise Driscoll
- Mary Aldis
- Maurice Browne
- Douglas Goldring
Comments and Reviews
- Harriet Monroe
- Ezra Pound
- Harriet Monroe
- Songs from the Clay, by James Stephens
- The Night Watchman and Other Poems, by Vance Thompson
- The Little King, by Witter Bynner
- Lyrics of a Lad, by Scharmel Iris
- At the Shrine by George Herbert Clarke; Remember Louvain, a Little Book of Liberty and War by E. V. Lucas; The Gypsy Trail, an Anthology for Campers by Pauline Goldmark, Mary Hopkins
Our Contemporaries
- Alice Corbin Henderson
- Charles Wharton Stork
- Edgar Lee Masters
- Lucian Cary