From this Issue

Table of Contents
Irrealistic Verses
- W. W. E. Ross
- R. P. Blackmur
Against Death
- Naomi Replansky
- Robert Miller
- Agnes Lee
Delicate Meshes
- Marguerite Young
- May Williams Ward
- Laura Lee Bird
- Marion Ethel Hamilton
- Robert Penn Warren
Emblems of Air
- A. J. M. Smith
- Robert Brittain
- George Edward Hoffman
A Weathered Grove
- Lincoln Fitzell
- Marie Luhrs
- Genevieve Taggard
- Stanley Burnshaw
- Joseph M. Hone
- William Carlos Williams
- Harriet Monroe
- Rolfe Humphries
- John Gould Fletcher
- Jessica Nelson North
- Laura Lee Bird
- R. P. Blackmur
- Robert Brittain
- Stanley Burnshaw
- Lincoln Fitzell
- John Gould Fletcher
- Marion Ethel Hamilton
- George Edward Hoffman
- Joseph M. Hone
- Rolfe Humphries
- Agnes Lee
- Marie Luhrs
- Robert Miller
- Harriet Monroe
- Jessica Nelson North
- Naomi Replansky
- W. W. E. Ross
- A. J. M. Smith
- Genevieve Taggard
- May Williams Ward
- Robert Penn Warren
- William Carlos Williams
- Marguerite Young