From this Issue

Table of Contents
Three Poems
Five Poems
Four Poems
- Oliver Bernard
Two Poems
- Donald Jenkins
- Philip Levine
- Jean Gemmell
- Norman MacCaig
- John Tagliabue
- Judson Jerome
- William Bronk
- Allen Mandelbaum
- Robert A. Carter
- Edwin Fussell
- Arthur Carson
Two Poems
- Tom Scott
- William Carlos Williams
- Wallace Fowlie
- Hugh Kenner
- Elliott Coleman
Brief Notices
- Nicholas Joost
- A Restoration Reader (Ed. by James Holly Hanford)
- The Haunted Man: A Portrait of Edgar Allan Poe, by Philip Lindsay
- The English Epic and Its Background, by E. M. W. Tillyard
- Emily Dickinson: A Revelation, by Millicent Todd Bingham
- Selected Works of John Dryden (Ed. by William Frost)
- Greek Tragedy: A Literary Study, by H. D. F. Kitto
- The Golden Echo, by David Garnett
- Leaves of Grass, by Walt Whitman
- Verse and Worse, A Private Collection (Ed. by Arnold Silcock)