From this Issue

Table of Contents
- Ben Belitt
- Anne Sexton
- Larry Eigner
- Stig Dagerman
- Robert S. Sward
- David Galler
- Reeve Spencer Kelley
- John Haines
- Laurence Lieberman
- Lewis Turco
- Allen Kanfer
- Michael Goldman
- William Carlos Williams
- Edmund Keeley
- Joseph Langland
- David Galler
- The Use of Anthologies
- Modern Brazilian Poetry (Ed. byJohn Nist) [Joo Cabral de Melo Neto]
- Modern German Poetry: 1910-1960 (Ed. by Michael Hamburger and Christopher Middleton)
- The Mentor Book of Major American Poets (Ed. by Oscar Williams and Edwin Honig)
- Modern American Poetry and Modern British Poetry (Ed. by Louis Untermeyer)
- Poet's Choice (Ed. by Paul Engle and Joseph Langland)
- The Crystal Cabinet (Ed. by Horace Gregory and Marya Zaturenska)
- Tom Tiddler's Ground (Ed. by Walter de la Mare)
- Kenneth McRobbie
- Canadian Chronicle
- The First Five Years: A Selection from The Tamarack Review (Ed. by Robert Weaver)
- Sun Stone, by Octavio Paz (Tr. by Peter Miller)
- A Shifting Pattern, by Peter Miller
- Ice Cod Bell or Stone, by Earle Birney
- The Things Which Are, by Alden Nowlan
- Five New Brunswick Poets
- Twelve Letters to a Small Town, by James Reaney
- The Sea Is Also a Garden, by Phyllis Webb
- Collected Poems, by A. J. M. Smith