From this Issue

Table of Contents
From Concordances with Dali
- Paul Mariah
- Carolyn Kizer
- Howard Moss
- Charles Molesworth
- C. K. Williams
- William Virgil Davis
- Robert W. Watson
- Zulfikar Ghose
- David Lehman
- Robert Chatain
- Katherine Hoskins
- Sandra McPherson
- Bernetta Quinn
- Mark McCloskey
- Coming Out Fighting, by Philip Hobsbaum
- The Rock Woman: Selected Poems, by James K. Baxter
- Aurora Bligh and Early Poems, by Mary Fabilli
- The Alligator Bride: Poems New and Selected, by Donald Hall
- A Probable Volume of Dreams, by Marvin Bell
- The Moral Features of Seven Poets
- The Shot Goes In, by David Hilton
- Greed, Parts 3 and 4, by Diane Wakoski
- Michael Mott
- A Violent Country, by David Harsent
- Penguin Modern Poets 15: Alan Bold, Edward Brathwaite, Edwin Morgan
- The Blue Winged Bee, by Peter Whigham
- The Powers That Be, by J. S. Cunningham
- Two Voices, by D. M. Thomas
- The Grim Wayfarer, by Alan Jackson
- The White Room and Landscapes, by Lee Harwood
- Notes to the Hurrying Man, by Brian Patten
- To See the Matter Clearly, by Ruth Fainlight
- Darker Ends, by Robert Nye
- The Animals' Arrival, by Elizabeth Jennings
- Arias from a Love Opera and Other Poems, by Robert Conquest
- Work in Progress, by Peter Redgrove
- Islands, by Edward Brathwaite
- Travelling, by Michael Hamburger
- Selected Poems, by Dannie Abse
- The Way of a World, by Charles Tomlinson
- The Tribune's Visitation, by David Jones
- Recent Developments in British Poetry
- Katherine Hoskins