From this Issue

Table of Contents
- Thomas Johnson
Letters to a Chosen Woman
- Estill Pollock
- Turner Cassity
- Rob Swigart
- Larry Lanier
- Henry Carlile
- Anne Winters
- Susan Dwyer
- Kenneth Fields
- Robert B. Shaw
- James Martin
- Questions of Style
- Giraffe, by Stanley Plumly
- In Sepia, by Jon Anderson
- The Ancient People, by Glen Cavaliero
- Backwards into the Smoke, by Colin Falck
- Selected Poems and Texts, by Attila Jzsef (Tr. by John Batki) (Ed. by James Atlas and George Gmri)
- Radiation, by Sandra McPherson
- The Shade-Seller, by Josephine Jacobsen
- Collected Poems: 1930-1973, by May Sarton
- [Boris Pasternak]