October 1999
- David Bottoms
- Alfred Corn
- Albert Goldbarth
- Marilyn Hacker
- Yusef Komunyakaa
From this Issue
I sit where I always sit, in back of the Buddha,
Red leather wing chair, pony skin trunk
under my feet,
Sky light above me, Chinese and Indian rugs on the floor.
1 March, 1998, where to begin again?
Red leather wing chair, pony skin trunk
under my feet,
Sky light above me, Chinese and Indian rugs on the floor.
1 March, 1998, where to begin again?
Contorted by wind,
mere armatures for ice or snow,
the trees resolve
to endure for now,
they will leaf out in April.
And I must be as patient
as the trees—
a winter resolution
I break all over again,
as the cold presses
its sharp blade
against my throat.
After endless
on the...
Contorted by wind,
mere armatures for ice or snow,
the trees resolve
to endure for now,
they will leaf out in April.
And I must be as patient
as the trees—
a winter resolution
I break all over again,
as the cold presses
its sharp blade
against my throat.
After endless
on the...

Table of Contents
- Charles Wright
- Linda Pastan
- Albert Goldbarth
- David Schloss
- Alfred Corn
- Yusef Komunyakaa
- William Logan
- David Wojahn
- David Bottoms
- Marilyn Hacker
- J. D. McClatchy