POETRY Magazine cover of June 2001 issue

June 2001

Maurice de Vlaminck, Untitled, from </em>Almanach pour 1908<em>, Paris. 1908.
  • Francesca Abbate
  • Ralph Angel
  • Wendell Berry
  • John Brehm
  • Cathleen Calbert
Table of Contents

From this Issue

Midmorning like a deserted room, apparition
Of armoire and table weights,
Oblongs of flat light,
                                      the rosy eyelids of lovers
Raised in their ghostly insurrection,



Do nothing and everything will be done,   
that's what Mr. Lao Tzu said, who walked   
around talking 2,500 years ago and   

now his books practically grow on trees   
they're so popular and if he were   
alive today beautiful women would

rush up to...
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Table of Contents

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