POETRY Magazine cover of July 2001 issue

July 2001

"Jack of Spades," Trump Hana No. 807, 1950, Cupid Brand Playing Cards.
  • Agha Ali
  • Dick Allen
  • Sara Backer
  • Don Barkin
  • Elizabeth Chapman
Table of Contents

From this Issue



Zen Living

Birdsongs that sound like the steady determined tapping
of a shoemaker's hammer,
or of a sculptor making tiny ball-peen dents in a silver plate,
wake me this morning. Is it possible the world itself can be happy? The calico cat...



Swear by the olive in the God-kissed land—
There is no sugar in the promised land.

Why must the bars turn neon now when, Love,   
I’m already drunk in your capitalist land?

If home is found on both sides of the globe,
home is of...
Rectangle R3 March 1

Table of Contents

Square R3 March