Image of Poetry magazine October 2001

October 2001

James McNeill Whistler, "The Doorway," 1908.
  • Helen Vendler
  • Robert Bense
  • Judith Berke
  • Carole Bernstein
  • Jill Bialosky
Table of Contents

From this Issue

As far as clocks—and it is time to think of them—
I have one on my kitchen shelf and it is
flat, with a machine-made flair, a perfect
machine from 1948, at the latest,
and made of shining plastic with the numbers
sharp and clear...
How strange my lack of faith must seem to you.
I see the way your god provides a cradle for your grief;
how lovely to be certain that the ancient story's true.

You sang the hymns as if each...
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Table of Contents

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