December 2004
Matthew Dohery, "Interloper," 1994.- Jon Peede
- Marilyn Nelson
- Stuart Tiffen
- David Slavitt
- Robert Godwin
From this Issue
People, don't ask me again where my shoes are.
The valley I walked through was frozen to me
as I was to it. My heavy hide, my zinc
talisman—I'm fine, people. Don't stare
at my feet. And don't flash the sign of the cross
The valley I walked through was frozen to me
as I was to it. My heavy hide, my zinc
talisman—I'm fine, people. Don't stare
at my feet. And don't flash the sign of the cross

Table of Contents
- Nance Van Winckel
- Reginald Gibbons
- Dean Young
- Anne Rouse
- Stephen Dunn
- Doug Anderson
- Erin Ferretti Slattery
- H. L. Hix
- Gerald Stern
- David Biespiel
- Ed Skoog
- Kevin Simmonds
- Dick Allen
- Richard Hoffman
- Amy Beeder
- David Baker
- Rosanna Warren
- Matthew Doherty
- David Orr
- Brenda Wineapple
- Jon Mooallem
- Jon Parrish Peede
- Marilyn Nelson
- Stuart Tiffen
- David R. Slavitt
- Robert B. Godwin
- Eleanor Wilner
- Brian M. Amend
- Cecelia Hagen
- Dick Allen
- Brian M. Amend
- Doug Anderson
- David Baker
- Amy Beeder
- David Biespiel
- Matthew Doherty
- Stephen Dunn
- Reginald Gibbons
- Robert B. Godwin
- Cecelia Hagen
- H. L. Hix
- Richard Hoffman
- Jon Mooallem
- Marilyn Nelson
- David Orr
- Jon Parrish Peede
- Anne Rouse
- Kevin Simmonds
- Ed Skoog
- Erin Ferretti Slattery
- David R. Slavitt
- Gerald Stern
- Stuart Tiffen
- Nance Van Winckel
- Rosanna Warren
- Eleanor Wilner
- Brenda Wineapple
- Dean Young