Cover of Poetry Magazine April 2006 issue, featuring Nathan Theis's illustration, "Voice"

April 2006

Nathan Theis, "Voice"
  • Giovanni Pascoli
  • Saadi Youssef
  • Anonymous
  • Rainer Rilke
  • Abraham Sutzkever
Table of Contents

From this Issue



Pangur Bán

Translated By Seamus Heaney
Pangur Bán and I at work,
Adepts, equals, cat and clerk:
His whole instinct is to hunt,
Mine to free the meaning pent.

More than loud acclaim, I love
Books, silence, thought, my alcove.
Happy for me, Pangur Bán
Child-plays round some mouse’s den.

Truth to tell, just...


In the Fog

Translated By Geoffrey Brock
I stared into the valley: it was gone—
wholly submerged! A vast flat sea remained,
gray, with no waves, no beaches; all was one.

And here and there I noticed, when I strained,
the alien clamoring of small, wild voices:   
birds that had lost their...
Rectangle R3 March 1

Table of Contents

Square R3 March