POETRY Magazine cover of October 2007 issue

October 2007

Ralph Steadman, "Princess for All Ages," 2007.
  • Averill Curdy
  • Jane Mead
  • Frank Bidart
  • Elizabeth McFarland
  • Dan Beachy-Quick
Table of Contents

From this Issue



The Seer

He is a voice of  shipwrecked marble,
greened and shattered statuary,
My assignment was one useful plan,
to make one useful plan of  the surrounding
thirteen hundred acres of  chaparral

and oak, manzanita and bunchgrass
in the season of   the oak's unfurling,
in the season of   the blue-eyed grasses,

wind-washed and rain-swept and moving
toward the scorch of...


If  See No End In Is

What none knows is when, not if.
Now that your life nears its end
when you turn back what you see
is ruin. You think, It is a prison. No,
it is a vast resonating chamber in
which each thing...
Rectangle R3 March 1

Table of Contents

Square R3 March