Image of Poetry magazine cover January 2010

January 2010

Lorenzo Petrantoni, “The Tiger,” 2008
  • V. Pelizzon
  • Vera Pavlova
  • Andrea Cohen
  • Donald Hall
  • Mary De Rachewiltz
Table of Contents

From this Issue



Blood Memory

Hunched in the bath, four ibuprofen gulped
         too late to dull the muscle cramping
                  to sate a god who thirsts
         monthly for his slake of iron,
I am just a body bleeding in bad light.

But after an hour, as the...
Translated By Steven Seymour

Am I lovely? Of course!
Breathlessly I taste
the subtle compliment
of a handmade caress.
Chop me into tiny bits,
caress and tame my soul,
that godly swallow
you love to no end.


To Whom it May Concern

Soon I’ll move to Norway.
If that’s a bitter pill,

well, swill, swallow. I’m going,
and I won’t wallow, not in Norway,

where they’re so beyond
slave labor, with laws that say

a clerk must work within five
meters of a window through

which she can see a...
Rectangle R3 March 1

Table of Contents

Letters to the Editor
Square R3 March