Image of Poetry magazine January 2011 issue

January 2011

Genevieve Simms, "A Meeting with Oneself," 2008
  • Mark Strand
  • Jill Essbaum
  • David Harsent
  • Jennifer Chang
  • Rae Armantrout
Table of Contents

From this Issue

Afternoon darkens into evening. A man falls deeper and deeper into the slow spiral of sleep, into the drift of it, the length of it, through what feels like mist, and comes at last to an open door through which...
Consider the rip for a mouth, the rip in the crotch, the hank of hair,
consider the flair for ill-fortune, the empty stare, the done deal
with sorrow, the rich and rare nest-egg of dreams, the share and share
alike in matters...
5 am.  One-quarter past.
Distant chimes inform me this.

A bell peal knells the mist.
And sunlight’s

not yet bludgeoning.
But some light gets blood going.  

Last night it was snowing
and now

every path’s a pall.
Though mine the only footfalls

at this hour of awe. Above...
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Table of Contents

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