From this Issue
His handkerchief, a pin or coin he’d touched,
a button from his shirt, a feather caught
on his coattail — such tokens would fetch a price ...
Men came to shake his hand, or rub their warts
upon his famous skin; young mothers held
babies for...
a button from his shirt, a feather caught
on his coattail — such tokens would fetch a price ...
Men came to shake his hand, or rub their warts
upon his famous skin; young mothers held
babies for...

Table of Contents
- Amy Newman
- Paul Batchelor
- Anthony Madrid
- derek beaulieu
pethetic little thing
- Tavi Gevinson
- Emily Carney
- Naomi Morris
- Tyler Ford
- Kendra Yee
- Britney Franco
- Jenny Zhang
- Tova Benjamin
- Kirby Knowlton
- Alex-Quan Pham
- Nova
- Marla Miniano
- Lily Cao
ruth lilly poetry prize portfolio
the view from here
- Anders Nilsen
- Ai Weiwei
- Sally Timms
- Rhymefest
- Momus
- John Wilkinson