From this Issue
Castaways, we hit the forest — our camping stove
turned low, I gripped my tent close for its trial
in virgin attitudes of stiffness while
lamps fluttered on the dark. My roof sank wave
on wave accordion-like, the only sin
we knew; and soon the Jameson appeared.
turned low, I gripped my tent close for its trial
in virgin attitudes of stiffness while
lamps fluttered on the dark. My roof sank wave
on wave accordion-like, the only sin
we knew; and soon the Jameson appeared.

Table of Contents
young irish poets
- Patrick Cotter
- Dean Browne
- Nick Laird
- Ailbhe Darcy
- Cal Doyle
- Roisin Kelly
- Declan Ryan
- Dave Lordan
- Doireann Ní Ghríofa
- Leanne O'Sullivan
- Tara Bergin
- Aifric Mac Aodha
- Martin Dyar
- Alan Gillis
- Ciaran Berry
- Victoria Kennefick
- John McAuliffe
- Michael McKimm
- Caoilinn Hughes
- Billy Ramsell
- Stephen Connolly
- Ailbhe Ní Ghearbhuigh
- Michelle O’Sullivan
- Miriam Gamble
- Paul Perry
- Caitríona O'Reilly
- Thomas McCarthy
- Maya C. Popa
- Tara Bergin
- Ciaran Berry
- Dean Browne
- Stephen Connolly
- Patrick Cotter
- Ailbhe Darcy
- Cal Doyle
- Martin Dyar
- Miriam Gamble
- Alan Gillis
- Caoilinn Hughes
- Roisin Kelly
- Victoria Kennefick
- Nick Laird
- Dave Lordan
- Aifric Mac Aodha
- John McAuliffe
- Thomas McCarthy
- Michael McKimm
- Ailbhe Ní Ghearbhuigh
- Doireann Ní Ghríofa
- Caitríona O'Reilly
- Leanne O'Sullivan
- Michelle O’Sullivan
- Paul Perry
- Maya C. Popa
- Billy Ramsell
- Declan Ryan