Poetry Magazine cover for March 2017 issue

March 2017

Shawna X, "Poached Paradise," 2015.
  • Richard Garcia
  • Fatimah Asghar
  • Gerard Malanga
  • Keith Wilson
  • Rachel Blau DuPlessis
Table of Contents

From this Issue

The faded remains of ancient advertising — 
captives on parade in native costume.
Now the whangam, that imaginary animal
led by Wharfinger, keeper of the wharf.
And you, my puce, sitting between the paws
of the mechanical lion, his brittle heart of glass.
The regiments of holiday...
these are my people & I find
them on the street & shadow
through any wild all wild
my people my people
a dance of strangers in my blood
the old woman’s sari dissolving to wind
bindi a new moon on her forehead
I claim her my...
Rectangle R3 March 1

Table of Contents

Square R3 March