In the other world we use other words, painting
them with water on the desert’s sidewalk under • unwaver
ing / the / sky’s gaze, meant to be eaten up immediate
ly by our nearest star: we know we’re brief, a flash
of the magnesium bulb’s Lichtenberg lace or
in the hardpan land we inhabit, unwilling / it’s /
to unloosen • Edenic ancestry to us, to unearth / un
couth / the • treasure which lies (we believe) like an ocean
of luminous fish with their wayfinder’s lanterned
faces beneath us, sufficiently gilded to wake the dead
 ’s memory of what they no longer own: a form
for the nation-state to take, to write its penal colony’s
penalties upon, or hold, same as we hold our own
souls, which wager against us as soon as they’re able.

Source: Poetry (March 2019)