Incident Report

After Monica Youn

I had a form.

The form said  Name of  victim.

The form named me.

The form was a form of naming.

Naming gave me form.

The form said  Time of  incident.

Time could be measured.

The Incident could be defined.

Both had a form.

Both were a form of naming.

The form said Age.

Age could be measured by Time.

Age could be defined by the Incident.

The Incident occurred on the night before my twenty-first birthday.

The Time was night as night became night.

The Incident occurred in my room at the Time.

The Time occurred to me after the Incident.

The form said  Race or ethnicity.

Both were constructed.

Both marked me.

Both had a form.

Both were a form of naming.

Naming was marking.

I marked the form.

(Asian. Bottom. 4  Now.)

I constructed myself.

(Looking 4 Fun. No Strings Attached.)

I was unremarkable.

The form said Sex.

The form listed my options.

I had no option.

I went along with the Sex.

The Sex had a Name.

(I  won’t say the Name.)

Both marked me.

The form said  Affiliation.

Everything started out fine.

The form said Residence.

I unlocked the door.

I misread Affiliation as Affliction.

The Name entered.

I misread Residence as Residual.

The Name kissed me.

The form said  Alcohol or drugs used at the time of incident.

I was having a good time.

The form said  Relationship with the assailant prior to incident.

I did the thing I was good at.

The form said  Type of coercion or force involved.

The Name hit me.

The form said  Please specify.

The Name choked me.

The form said  Ability to consent was inhibited by.

The Name pressed a white towel against my face.

The form said  Please specify.

The towel smelled like sugar.

Please specify.

An ice cream truck drove by.


I heard the song.

Source: Poetry (October 2019)