From this Issue
The wagon and mule, Time and Eternity, stop to change places. Their lean and slope-back shadow, my reservation. The moon moves like infested flour. At the river, bloody victories meet bloody massacres. They tell each other about their...
I do not want to speak about the beginning
of this story. Were my scalp a wreath or crown
of mouths, still, I would not open.
I do not want to speak about the beginning
of this story. Were my scalp a wreath or crown
of mouths, still, I would not open.
I was Little Albert.
Nine months old in the famous film.
In a white cotton nightie, on a lab
table sitting upright
facing a camera.
Remember me? Sure.
You do.
First, you saw that I was a “curious” baby.
You saw that I blinked and stared
with all the...
Nine months old in the famous film.
In a white cotton nightie, on a lab
table sitting upright
facing a camera.
Remember me? Sure.
You do.
First, you saw that I was a “curious” baby.
You saw that I blinked and stared
with all the...

Table of Contents
- Sy Hoahwah
- torrin a. greathouse
- Joyce Carol Oates
- Chanda Feldman
- S.J. Fowler, Max Porter
- Dilruba Ahmed
- Ruth Awad
- Antonia Pozzi
- Carl Phillips
- Susannah Bielak, Fred Schmalz
- Sass Sassoon Brown
- Paul Tran
- Nikki Wallschlaeger
- Lo Kwa Mei-En
- Rae Armantrout
- heidi andrea restrepo rhodes
- Zoë Hitzig
- Yuxi Lin
- William Archila
- Naoko Fujimoto
- Brandon Downing
- Richie Hofmann
- Zaina Alsous
- Tom Pickard
- John Lee Clark
- Dilruba Ahmed
- Zaina Alsous
- William Archila
- Rae Armantrout
- Ruth Awad
- Susannah Bielak
- Sass Sassoon Brown
- John Lee Clark
- Brandon Downing
- Chanda Feldman
- S.J. Fowler
- Naoko Fujimoto
- Zoë Hitzig
- Sy Hoahwah
- Richie Hofmann
- Yuxi Lin
- Lo Kwa Mei-En
- Joyce Carol Oates
- Carl Phillips
- Tom Pickard
- Max Porter
- Antonia Pozzi
- Fred Schmalz
- Paul Tran
- Nikki Wallschlaeger
- torrin a. greathouse
- heidi andrea restrepo rhodes