

All day, I feel the approach of dolphins; their thoughts are in my mind.

When I swim, my cells attune to them, because ocean’s full of vibrations that transmit to water in my body.

It’s a repository of primordial data from space; all creatures in water can access the Akasha.

Tones entering my cells transform into feeling, an awareness of two worlds at once.

I send back my thought, picture, feeling, and together we form new vibrations of knowledge that had been dormant in me.

They’re here!

I swim out of the cove toward them.

So happy, I hum, and their answering chorus reverberates across water; we know each other.

One dolphin is still, far below me.

Her form takes shape, as she rises silently in bright blue, motionless, sunlit.

Thank you for showing yourself, fulfilling a deep longing within my deep memory.


I empty my mind and listen for her reply, which comes as waves of emotion.

A cloud surrounds me; I expand into its stillness and receive tones conveying information very fast.

They teach me to hum, to whistle and sing; sound amplifies my body across open water; even their joyous play has this sensation of creating space, and when they sleep, stars augment their frequencies.

We converse by mind-cell helixes of image and feeling.

Cosmic legacy, cosmic extension imprint holographically on my heart neurons as dolphin empathy.

There are sounds which can stop time, alter surroundings or shift your dimension.

Swimming I lose my sense of place, even physicality, and connect with collective love.

They teach me to join my aura to the cosmos by spiraling with me in sound-star tetrahedrons and to love those with whom we merge.

Then being is healing, through innocence, when the animal becomes the teacher.


One dolphin swims toward me; I open telepathically and respond.

I practice this method of reflection to contact life-forms in other space, who are trying however they can to meet us.

Sirius radiates high frequencies to lighten the dark, denser planets.

Dolphins travel to and from such a planet through diagrams like songs on ocean floors.

They wish us to participate in over-lighting the collectivity of souls in our galaxy and ally with them to access the Space Sister-Brotherhood.

Through these planetary vortices, dolphins catalyze starlight to refresh water on earth.

Transference between species is both cellular and holographic or geometric.

For example, my friend’s body is 3-D in front and 4-D in the back; she exists across dimensions, while appearing so ordinary in her yellow shirt and blue slacks, as we walk to the shore.

“Memory is vibratory, like DNA, condensed light,” she volunteers.

“You and I relate through our mutual past on Sirius, in Glastonbury, Santa Fe.”

So I repeat their joyous, staccato syllables; I listen to “pod”casts of Noh singers and tune to high pitches the Pleiades use for propulsion into our atmosphere, using the star codes of dolphins.


We’ve attributes in realities we’re not aware of.

Dolphins reside in these dimensions, like dreams in oceans.

They swim within magnetic streams of other entities, angels we’ve invented, others’ heavens, cyclic destiny.

I glimpse one jump from its energy band, attracted by my friend’s intense aura.

He shows me earth’s sister planet replicated by sound as we co-create it by singing, sitting in her yard, gazing at the ocean under pine trees.

There are messages in clouds, in wavelets on granite, cicada and meadowlark calls.

Space travelers materialize morphogenetically from local beauty and merge with us.

They enable travel between time and stars by projecting tones just ahead of the consciousness of the person migrating, the way dolphins pass me so fast, I don’t see the bubbles until they’re far, out of sight.

Source: Poetry (February 2020)