
February 2020

Nick Adam

Let us
talk more of how dark

the beginning of a day is.

 Maggie Smith
  • Jeffrey Yang
  • Maggie Smith
  • Angela Jackson
  • Talin Tahajian
  • John Lee Clark
Table of Contents

From this Issue



Fingers on a Gay Man

A pair of adolescent boys grabs a rabbit to shear off  its ears. It doesn’t matter why, whether they’re sad or from the city. What matters is what they do with their hands: hold the blade, hang the rabbit by...



you can take my breath
but the bruh stays
lips slapping spice
of unknown bulk
face curry-blushed
from its blandness
my dad’s face caved
sour into his nose
when he heard it
the bruh cliff-hanging
on his beard
I think he tries to pray the white out of me
Town and Country...
You made your students write stories about happiness and they were, you said, the worst stories of the year. Remember the pregnant woman? in a Fontainebleau café, I meant to reset it in America when I wrote the poem, she...
Rectangle R3 March 1

Table of Contents

Square R3 March