in the dark (wish)

A Golden Shovel after The Cure

mobiles’ torches, little red flying foxes’ eyeshine     “I’ve
finished digging myself out of that hole”    bass-pulse      we waited
at the dance floor’s outpost for a spell      hours
flushed as though they’d inspired poppers      “for
the love of God,” I laughed with Michael, “this
is Newish Me—no dope, in high spirits”      “I’ve
always got my eye on you”      noses rubbed, he made
for the door     I bought myself
a second & final pint     “hello” “uh-huh” “so
long” to the black-bearded, tattooed bear       suddenly I was sick
to death of disco      strobes unloosed the mirror ball’s I
good sense vanished like a wish
-ing well’s ting     carpet gargled the Nikes I’d
shined for Michele’s wedding      i stayed
—i tried to stay—one jump ahead of him      dead asleep,
my hairy legs      “gone tomorrow, here today,”
swishing his hoodie’s sleeves      i
was belted toward a neon arrow, stood in a Never Never
-ish torrent     in windows’ reflections, sallowish skin      thought,

a blepharospastic eye, contracted     “uh-uh—this
-away”     aphonic, i melted among bodies unrivaled as day
-flies     for the love of short-sightedness would
I give my eye teeth?      at teenagehood’s end
I also walked the plank     a blind date     twenty-two years i
frothed at the mouth, crossing more states than the Missouri     never
miscalculate the fury of cold intuition     thought
-clouds glimmered     blue skies, gold sun     tonight
I danced with Prudence     the one who’s all eyes could
do ...     i spied my voice, materialized ever
-y which way     five men nearly broke me like a wishbone     be
-ams issued from my thighs     “uh, fellers? don’t think this
guy’s—”     faraway, so close!
latch’s snick     mobiles’ torches, crocodilian eyeshine     i came to
myself on the cubicle’s mattress     disco doused me,
a little yellowish light     i spelled out “do it” “just”
hotel eiderdown swaddled me     should I try
to unwish this history, Ruth—“visualize neutrality”?     to
-night’s wings of desire swish as far as the eye can see

Source: Poetry (May 2020)