
May 2020

Max Phillips

To build a labyrinth it takes
Some good intentions,
some mistakes.

 A.E. Stallings
  • Safia Elhillo
  • TC Tolbert
  • Mary Ruefle
  • Inua Ellams
  • Srikanth Reddy
Table of Contents

From this Issue

To build a labyrinth it takes
A twisted mind, a puzzled art,
A fractal branching of mistakes.

Drag out the shovels and the rakes,
The spirit level, sacred chart.
To build a labyrinth it takes

Shadows, stones, a way that snakes
And ladders to its shaky start;
Dad’s house stands again, four years
after being demolished. I walk in.
He lies in bed, licks his rolling paper,
and when I ask Where have you been?
We buried you,
he says I know,

I know.
I lean into his smoke, tell him
I went...
            every day the world is making its meager
mea culpas for Easter peeps arranged on dollar store plates
            at dinner parties invisible fences the dogs run past
for bleach-stained laundry fresh...
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Table of Contents

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