Black and white headshot of writer Kelle Groom

Kelle Groom was born in Massachusetts and grew up in Florida, Hawaii, Spain, and Texas. Her collections of poetry include Underwater City (2004); Luckily (2006), which won a Florida Book Award; Five Kingdoms (2010), also a Florida Book Award winner; and Spill (2017). Her poems and writing have appeared in the New Yorker, The Best American Poetry, The Best American Non-Required Reading, Ploughshares, and elsewhere.

Groom's memoir of adoption, alcoholism, and the death of her infant son, I Wore the Ocean in the Shape of a Girl (2011), was an editor's choice selection for the New York Times, Oxford American, and O Magazine, and was named a best memoir of 2011 by Library Journal.

The recipient of a Pushcart Prize, Groom has also been awarded fellowships from the Black Mountain Institute, the University of Nevada-Las Vegas in partnership with the Library of Congress, and the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, among others. Currently the Distinguished Writer-in-Residence at Sierra Nevada College, Lake Tahoe, Groom is also on faculty of Sierra Nevada's low-residency MFA Program. She is a contributing editor of The Florida Review.