Noise Complaint

I hear it     but what is the instrument
that voices the flashing red light strain

which no wrung  gauge twisting the possible could
and not implode out of  existence

we all know—
I have a few things     that need said

no humans have gone without saying
how hard and deep a deal this being has cut.

The sun rises straight down the hall on the bathroom mirror
bevel     rides the walls waving prismatic rainbow

festoons straddle the edges of  doors orgasmic knees crunch
a prayer spectrum compressed to screaming     brilliance—

minutes later no food     no money to move your shit
piled in the middle of  the floor     for eviction.

The driving arm of  the cello section runs
the white hot lightning    strokes     headlong

tearing out the track as the way the music goes
the inescapable rhythm’s     smoking

situation sounds     like what it’s playing—
these people     barely aboard attuned to     train

a composure over continual abyss
not specied for flight     no air but over—     a heated scream.

One old blues sounding line hums up some shit
so deep     the very chaos of

it all fell in
for the time     being a sooted black life suited

the burning cities     the streets
fashioned of the latest survival     the hot hit.

How hard and deep     a deal this being has cut
in one line    in Lead Belly     in “Black Girl”    he sings

his head was found  ’neath the drivin’  iron
his body     never was found     he asks

her  where     will she sleep the night     she replies
in the pines     in the pines

and it isn’t this particular night     nor some one
shivering woman    some long lonesome time ago

it’s the ongoing
it’s the national

anthem loop     holed through
which it gets out of

its own laws    its own song     across an escape by
from          sea to shining         hell rising up     the horizon.

Source: Poetry (October 2020)