October 2020
Cover Artist: Edra SotoEd Robersonthe poem as the champagne
of what the body has bottled
in its strain.
- Oli Rodriguez
- Tianru Wang
- Ed Roberson
- Nathan Spoon
- heidi andrea restrepo rhodes
From this Issue
Close to each other,
socially undistanced,
the mulberry leaves,
uniformly green,
shall turn brown together.
It’s like a herd dying.
Firm to begin with,
the mud clod
could’ve injured you.
It crumbles in your hand.
In the heap of dead
leaves crinkly as
brown skins, those
breathing things
foraging around
the bamboo stand
are jungle babblers.
Close to each other,
socially undistanced,
the mulberry leaves,
uniformly green,
shall turn brown together.
It’s like a herd dying.
Firm to begin with,
the mud clod
could’ve injured you.
It crumbles in your hand.
In the heap of dead
leaves crinkly as
brown skins, those
breathing things
foraging around
the bamboo stand
are jungle babblers.
what would have happened had Achilles stayed
entwined with you, his lover, in your bed, who could feel
a pack of Trojans through his letterman jacket
but also the well of the water styx he kept in a flask
as he tried to end...
entwined with you, his lover, in your bed, who could feel
a pack of Trojans through his letterman jacket
but also the well of the water styx he kept in a flask
as he tried to end...

Table of Contents
- Arvind Krishna Mehrotra
- Chester Wilson III
- Maya C. Popa
- Cathy Song
- M. Alexander Turner
- Katie Hartsock
- Orlando Ricardo Menes
- Christine Gosnay
- Jose Hernandez Diaz
- Martin Dyar
- Tianru Wang
- Nikki Wallschlaeger
- Ingrid Wendt
- Mairead Small Staid
- Tom Pickard
- Nathan Spoon
- Geraldine Clarkson
- Adrienne Su
- Maurya Simon
- John Burnside
- Jennifer Jean
- Drew Milne
- John Lee Clark
- Dorothy Chan
- Jennifer Martelli
- Ed Roberson
Papi Papi Papi
- Oli Rodriguez
- heidi andrea restrepo rhodes
- The Editors
- John Burnside
- Dorothy Chan
- John Lee Clark
- Geraldine Clarkson
- Jose Hernandez Diaz
- Martin Dyar
- The Editors
- Christine Gosnay
- Katie Hartsock
- Jennifer Jean
- Jennifer Martelli
- Arvind Krishna Mehrotra
- Orlando Ricardo Menes
- Drew Milne
- Tom Pickard
- Maya C. Popa
- Ed Roberson
- Oli Rodriguez
- Maurya Simon
- Cathy Song
- Nathan Spoon
- Mairead Small Staid
- Adrienne Su
- M. Alexander Turner
- Nikki Wallschlaeger
- Tianru Wang
- Ingrid Wendt
- Chester Wilson III
- heidi andrea restrepo rhodes