A cento for Angela Dufresne
When I first met Angela she was painting landscapes
Copulating couples were hidden in Where’s Waldo style
Freud, or a generic white-bearded psychiatrist, occasionally makes an appearance
Sometimes the artist features herself
The Villa Huppert for the Passage of Macedonia (2005) is an imagined holiday home for Isabelle Huppert
There’s a small painting inspired by Hitchcock’s Rear Window (a film so much about the gaze) and a number of drawings from that era of Angela’s career
Woman on woman, man on man, woman on man, celebrities and film stars anachronistically paired in strange architectural monstrosities
The figures stirred in me an inexplicable sense of identification
& I found, to my surprise, I was weeping
“Slatterns” uses text by Kathryn Maris from her introduction to the catalog for the Slatterns exhibition at the APT Gallery, London (2018).