The Uncle Poem
or was it avuncular skyscrapers?
yea it was the skyscrapers but
I don’t know man
I remember it was tuesday
the cars were doing their
normal car shit some asshole
was blasting Puccini
out of his BMW and some other
asshole was singing
an opera as he walked
down Main Street
what else
I saw my grandmother
this wasn’t anything crazy tho
she’s still alive and all that
she lives in town she was
driving her convertible
very slow I waved at her but
I’m not sure she recognized me
no other family interactions to report
something about the day unsettled me tho
in the worst way possible
I knew I would be going home soon
home to the hills where
hill things happen
but I had thrown that terror into the future
like a baseball or a bag of trash
and of course it is the future now but I’m not
in the hills not yet
so why were the skyscrapers
avuncular to me
me who had many uncles none
of whom were skyscrapers
I think I have a few less uncles
now but it’s hard to keep track
big family and you know what
they say uncles are like crab apples they wither
maybe it was that it
smelled like crab apples
while I walked down Main Street
I don’t know where
that quote comes from probably
someone famous but I remember my uncle
saying it and it seems like a quote
about your uncles dying but that uncle
wasn’t dying not yet he was
very much alive and very much
addicted to oxycodone
but the consequences would be
far in the future but I guess
the future is now which means
the consequences have already happened
which makes perfect sense
because that uncle died
tho not of overdosing exactly he died
of a heart attack induced by fireworks
on the fourth of July one of three
citizens to do so in the county that day I
do not know what made hearts
so angry on that particular fourth it was warm
but when wasn’t it
warm in the valley I wasn’t
there when my uncle died I
had picked up overtime
at the call center because
I needed money to buy
some oxycodone
for myself
I was planning to buy it
off of him tho obviously that
would be impossible because he is dead and
altho it doesn’t mean his pills are gone
it does mean it would be super
uncool to break into his trailer
and steal them I have
determined that he is the uncle I am referring to when I said
the skyscrapers were avuncular
tho referring isn’t the right word
I didn’t intend to call them avuncular
I felt it and it wouldn’t go away
like a dog bite
but what made the skyscrapers
so avuncular my uncle had never been
to the city and possibly had never been
to any city he was country from his hair to the tip
of each toe he was so country that his countryness stretched
out from his body and into his car
maybe it’s because he never
saw these skyscrapers that I
think of him tho that
is bullshit and I know it so why the fuck
could I not push the avuncular
skyscrapers out of my decidedly
non-avuncular brain
was it the windows? the
black paneling?
maybe it isn’t the building at all
maybe it’s the idea of the building
and tho I don’t believe in ideas
I do believe in uncles
maybe it is that the building
is so high it would take minutes to elevator up
and maybe an hour to climb
which means by the top you would be in
the future the real future the future minutes
away not seconds a future farther than
a word is from another word and maybe
because I look
at the skyscraper from the top down
I think of those elevators in reverse
which means I think of the future in reverse
and if those elevators go enough
the future will reverse enough to be the past
like the real past
like a few months ago when my
uncle was breathing and taking
pills and feeling the high
come on like television static
turning into tv or like tv
turning into television static
Source: Poetry (January 2021)