Sunset, Somewhere

Feral wind        whips waves hard across the shore
invisible pressure        seeing doesn’t matter

the terror is in the touch        a vase breaks
grass whistles        my hair blows into my mouth

a kindling        under unbearable California sun.
If the eye could see        a hammer drop

glide, bang, smash        through the atmosphere
clear as the trails of bees        as they float

brutes of the fallow        toward pollen
or like ghosts        (if you are a ghost

where do you visit tonight?)        with missing teeth
swimming        in the sky unseen.

The hammer        divides air as easy as death
alive and whatever-after        torn twins

those little human desires        muscle memory
my heart, beating        a small song

blood radio        that plays all night long:
I am alive        why aren’t you here.

Source: Poetry (October 2021)