Zebras gallop alongside striped letters spelling POETRY. The background is reddish orange.

October 2021

Cover artist: Jianan Liu/goodillustration.com

When can we return, if not
to our better selves
then to our diverted ones?

 Teresa Pham-Carsillo
  • Anni Liu
  • Destiny O. Birdsong
  • Kitchen McKeown
  • Maya Salameh
  • Carlina Duan
Table of Contents

From this Issue




i search for god but the sun is a penny.
looper moths form halos beneath the streetlamps.
summer’s ghostly curtains. check the weather.
haze. i search for god but the moon is gone.
i search for comfort, and the eels come.
they cross my meadow...



I crouch on grass with wet denim knees,
smoke in my eyes and a cat-scratched throat,
hands cupping the air around a fallen form:

          brown and speckled white
          girl bird with entrails as tangled...
Rectangle R3 March 1

Table of Contents

Square R3 March