Desirous of Her Liberty at This Time

Nancy Freeman
Baptized 1819, Excommunicated 1830
“ ... her life became increasingly troubled with alcohol.”

Was there ever a time when an enslaved woman or man
was not “desirous” of their freedom? Was the day before
these words were written or the years before that
a less “desirous” time? I carry the name of freedom
but not the fact of it.

My legacy was bondage.
The legacy of my children is bondage.
How then do I reconcile this life?

My condition has built in me an anger that scratches
like a prickly branch every second of every day.
It has made me as unruly as forsythia
and equally as uncaring about my unruliness.

Hope is my only motivation.
I put no faith in the god they try to force upon me.
I commit my faith to chance, to the possibility of liberty.
Not for me, but for my progeny.

This poem is from “The Witness Stones Project” portfolio that appeared in the November 2021 issue. The authors write about the series and the collaborative process here.

Source: Poetry (November 2021)