Green and orange puzzle pieces spelling POETRY move into place.

November 2021

Collaborative Works; Cover Artist: Jianan Liu/

Miracles of texture
and movement, tiny
collaborations of
our bodies navigating
an unwieldy space.

 Jennifer S. Cheng and Gabrielle Bates
  • Eliseo Ortiz
  • Kabel Mishka Ligot
  • Patricia Smith
  • Nilufar Karimi
  • She Who Has No Master(s)
Table of Contents

From this Issue



4 Telling

No bitter peach or stranger fruit
grafted to a noble tree,
she takes her place in lineage

areola diversity, oracular
who looks to see, edges of a baby’s ear,
that child’s cuticles

in line though long shot to a throne.
How dark might she be?
How dark becomes...
Rectangle R3 March 1

Table of Contents

Square R3 March