The Origins of Love

Begin. Cutting board, strawberries, fridge,
magnet with pic of ocean. And 2: White
woman’s hand. Cuts the top of a strawberry.
And 3: Lines the berries straight against
the fridge. The green parts are gone. And 4:
Cuts the berries in half. And 5: Lined up
with—what’s the word for the pointed part
of a berry—those face the pic of the ocean.
And 6: Binds two berries together.
And 7: Argento in The Stendhal Syndrome.
Sunglasses. Says, “But it’s not the same.”
And 8: Woman binds the berries. 9: Threads
the berries. 10: Close on her neck.
Berries for pendant, necklace on thread.
She wears a bourgeois decadent lace top.
The necklace sways. Her head is cut off.

Director: The Cyborg Jillian Weise.
Musician: A.D. Carson.
Sound Engineer: Michael Reed.
Disability Justice Consulting: Haben Girma.
Voice-Over: Canese Jarboe.
Image Descriptions: Cy Weise.
Descriptive Transcript: Canese Jarboe and Cy Weise.
Source: Poetry (February 2022)