Sujet Supposé Savoir

She texts me and I light up like the neon
frame of the jukebox in this closed bar.
I walk the parking lot. Only a Christmas
tree witnesses me so I get in my car
and drive until the side mirror glows.
One sign reads caution and one sign
reads office straight ahead and
one sign reads customer parking.
Arrow. Arrow. Arrow. The mannequin
in this window wears chains around
her neck. And reindeer antlers. And
a gas mask with a flex hose. Her eyes
are closed. I don’t know what to do
about it again. No, her eyes are open.

Director: The Cyborg Jillian Weise.
Musician: collander.
Sound Engineer: Michael Reed.
Disability Justice Consulting: Haben Girma.
Voice-Over: Canese Jarboe.
Image Descriptions: Cy Weise.
Descriptive Transcript: Canese Jarboe and Cy Weise.
Source: Poetry (February 2022)