
my disapproving mother tells me
nobody wants to read poems about
ant distribution machines
in fact nobody wants to read poems at all
they are unnecessary

no one has ever heard of such a thing as a wealthy poet
so it isn’t really worthwhile she tells me I should consider writing
a best-selling novel or maybe the screenplay for a family saga
if I insist on being difficult
at least give the short story collection a go

except she says all of this in German
and the German word for ant distribution machine is
I decide it is now my favourite word I decide to write the poem
to be poor and obscure

it will be a poem of defiance
about what at first seems like a nonsense invention
who would buy such a useless machine
who needs help distributing ants
they are not very popular pets

but here’s the beauty of my Ameisenverteilungsmaschine
it actually turns the critters into lovely new shapes
tiny giraffes little kangaroos and cows
a miniature camel small enough to make it
through the ear of a largeish needle

Source: Poetry (April 2022)