From “Summer”

There were lilacs my body
was juned I was reckless
with my breathing
I was handsome
even for june even with
the peculiar dew dripping
down my forehead I could tell
what I was looking for
a sound ett ljud nej
ett oljud f ör min oskuld
eller the sound of debt
the virgin sound of nightingales
when they are poisoned
I was poisoned
jag drack giftet
jag var golvad and now
on the floor I can’t
breathe I make a sound
I should never have
taken these seeds in
my mouth now I can’t leave
sommaren pours through
my throat my throat was made
for summer it’s horrifying
to play king me
with my beautiful throat
in summer I refuse
to bury this body Lillian
in summer but I can’t hear it
here detta är en elegi king
me king me detta är en elegi
till sommaren king me out

Source: Poetry (April 2022)