If I Were an Ewok, My Sister Would Take Me and Name Me Sunshine
Well she actually said
if you were an Ewok I would rescue you and name you Sunshine
build you a tiny house in my backyard
make your salads out of sunflowers
comb your hair
tickle your belly until your feet start to look like hairy propellers
She would cuddle me
until my dreams are of thick forests
high treehouses
two moons in the sky
filled with endless stars
Cuddle me
until my planet is emptied
from warmongers
planet thieves
planet destroyers
golden gods
She would cuddle me back
to where her ancestors sang protection songs
in the morning beauty songs
She would tell me stories about her people
how strangers from a distant land came and forced them to march
how they had sticks that shot out lightning
rods that cut deep
forced them to march
had them walk across the borders of their homeland
had them watch as they murdered their women and children
I would tell her stories about my people
how strangers from a distant planet
forced us to fight for our lives
how they had sticks that shot out lightning
rods that burned deep
forced us to fight their war
had us watch as they murdered our women and children
She would tell me of how these strangers came on horses
how they ran her people off cliffs
I would tell her how these strangers came in the belly of metal beasts
how they ran over my people
She would tell me how they came like shooting stars
I would tell her how they came on shooting stars
She would tell me about the day her people signed a treaty to go home
how they promised to learn their strange ways
she would sing the songs they sang on their way into their sacred mountains
how they relit the fires in their homes to ward off future threats
I would tell her about the day we watched the death star die
how we celebrated
how we used the helmets of our enemies as drums
how we raised the fires to ward off future threats
That was the day she told me they started to see more strangers on their land
That was the day I started to see more strangers on our planet
More people with lightning sticks
more people with rods that burn deep
More like shooting stars riding in with flags
more shooting stars landing in our fields
She would tell me how they were here to “save” her and her people
I would tell her how they needed to “save” me and my people
How they would give them freedom
how they would rescue us from the Dark Side
They never stopped
They took language by force
they destroyed sacred sites
polluted water
until there was only the litter of war left
so they took to the stars
to a galaxy far far away
We would sit
let our tears trail down our faces
gazing at the stars
mapping out the systems
holding each other as sisters
Source: Poetry (March 2025)