Deconstructing and Reconstructing Webster’s Dictionary Definition of Indigeneity; Since 2005

Door :[frames]: bolted by seams of
 desert fleece and beaming blindfolds
 dry-steamed by the musk of slow-simmering corn ears

Embodiments : —e—long—ated and iron—tongued
 stretched th)in(two-folded
 en—lightening exuberance
 traveling across the bellies
 of unhinged horses
 of unabridged angst
 of sand-scripted skin
 of starry-eyed steam
 of celestial-chiseled       creeks and coos

 of iron—steeled navels
 of ire—oded archives in

 We are ‘awéé
 We are eater and feeder
 We are ‘azee’

Monarch of Matriarchal Magnetism:

 Mothers of the motherless
 Mothers of the moneyless
 Mothers of the motionless
 Mothers of the mouthless

 Mothers of the mindlessness

 Mothers of madness
 Mothers of maelstrom
 Mothers of magma
 Mothers of magnolia
 Mothers of magpies
 Mothers of mahogany
 Mothers of man
 —refer to Webster’s Dictionary format

You can taste the yowling yarrows
 the yellowing of marrows
 the yearning of yellow-bellied sapsuckers
 the learning of young-berried concoctions
You can taste year-round-steamed-corn-stew
 and melted

 In—two—a pot
 of mulligan

 sold as commodity then
 (re)served as desert
 potion or poison?

Makers of memory
Two couplets of four-ply
Yidzaz—“it snowed”
Source: Poetry (March 2025)