‘Álastsii’ Dah Deidiijaa’

Niha hastsoí, nihidzanii
‘álastsii’   nihich’į’ dah deidiijaa’
bílák’ee naazhjaa’go
nihich’į’   dah deidiijaa’.

Our elderly men, our elderly women
seeds   to us   they offered
in their palms  in pieces  they were placed
toward us  the pieces they offered.

Niha hastoí   ‘álastsii’   bił   danílih,
t’aa ííyisí   bił danílih.
Bii néí   yee dayoosą́ní,
bee iina’ éí éí  ‘alastsii’ ’áté.
‘álastsii’  tááła’í  si’ąą́ ndi
bee ’iina’ ‘át’é,
éí bił   danilíigo
‘álastsii’   nihich’į’’ dah deidiijaa’.

Our elderly men   seeds   they wholly respect
utmost   they wholly respect
their spirit   with that   they nurture
their subsistence   is the seeds   as it is
a single seed   only one   though it may be
with it   sustains life   it is so
as it is   with their respect
seeds   toward us   the pieces they give.

‘álastsii’ éí   doo ninit’i’   ígíí ’áté.
Tązhii hastiin
éí ‘álastsii’ nihookáá diné’é   yeinílá jiní
‘ako ‘álastsii’ éí áyoo’ooni’ bił holǫ́.
dínoóseeł, dínoót’į́į́ł, áko
áko táhdídiin hólǫǫ́ doh.
‘ákóteégo   nihahastoí dóó nihidzanii
‘álastsii’ bił dah nilih.

Seed   it is   does not end   as it exists,
Turkey male being
as it is seeds he gave earth surface beings
he endowed them   it is said.
Therefore   seeds   it is compassion   it has with it.
It grows,   it matures,   corn pollen it will have.
Elderly men and women that way seeds they respect.

‘álastsii’   nihich’i dah deidiijaa’.
nihí ba’da’áłchiní niidliinii,
nihí bitsookéh,   nihí bináli niidliinii,
‘áwée’ dóó ‘áłchini niidliinii,
ch’ikéí dóó tséłkéi niidliinii,
‘asdzaní dóó dinééh niidliinii,
hastsoí dóó saánii niidliinii,
t’áá ‘áłtsǫh   ba’áłchiní niidlįh
‘álastsii’ dóó   nínit’i’ii niidlįh.

Seeds   to us   they each offered
we   their offsprings   we are
we grandchildren   paternal grandchildren we are
babies   and children   we are
teenage girls and teenage boys   we are
ladies and young men   we are
elderly men and elderly women   we are
all their children   we are
seeds   that does not cease   we are.

Source: Poetry (March 2025)