The Chinese Mother’s Lullaby
Pull in your feet, little darling,
so I can kiss your wee trotters
while I fold under a toe
and another one underneath.
I bend a little piggie.
I bend another little piggie
And look at that naughty little piggie
that is still sticking out.
Now, now, my treasure,
there is work to be done here.
Your toes like fairy thimbles,
the blossom of the foxglove.
Like a calf that is spancelled
or a hobble on a chicken,
there will be swaddlings of silk
on the feet of my dear.
That my daughter now shrieks
like a blue jay is no matter,
she will sway in the future
like a bamboo on a windy day
or like a willow sapling.
So I bend under the big toe
and another toe after
to form a foot like a lotus
about to unfold.
Poor Cliodhna has flat feet.
Maire has huge ones.
Peggy’s are like spades
and Niamh’s like two rakes.
Just hold still, my dearie,
while I tighten your bindings.
I’m only your mammy
doing my very best for your sake
Source: Poetry (April 2009)