Alexis Sears
B. 1995

Credit: Ying Liang.
Alexis Sears (she/her) is the author of Out of Order (Autumn House Press, 2022), winner of the 2021 Donald Justice Poetry Prize and the Poetry by the Sea Book Award: Best Book of 2022. Her work appears in The Best American Poetry, The Cortland Review, the Cimarron Review, Poet Lore, The Hopkins Review, Literary Matters, Rattle, and elsewhere.
Sears grew up in Palos Verdes, California. She earned a BA from the Johns Hopkins Writing Seminars in 2017 and an MFA in poetry at the University of Wisconsin–Madison in 2019. She is an editor-at-large of the Northwest Review and a contributing editor of Literary Matters. She lives in Los Angeles, California.