A. M. Juster

A.M. Juster’s poetry, translations and essays have appeared in Poetry, The Paris Review, The Hudson Review, The New Criterion, Arion, North American Review, Rattle, Southwest Review, Barrow Street, Hopkins Review and many other publications. He has won the Howard Nemerov Sonnet Award three times, the Willis Barnstone Translation Prize, and many other awards.

Rachel Hadas selected his first book of original poetry, The Secret Language of Women (University of Evansville Press, 2003) for the 2002 Richard Wilbur Award. His other books include Longing for Laura (Birch Brook Press, 2001) (selections from Petrarch’s Canzoniere), Horace’s Satires (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2008), Tibullus’ Elegies (Oxford University Press, 2012), Saint Aldhelm’s Riddles (University of Toronto Press, 2015), Sleaze & Slander (Measure Press 2016), The Billy Collins Experience (Kelsay Books, 2016), and The Elegies of Maximianus (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018). He is currently translating Latin and Old English versions of the phoenix myth as well as the poems of Middle Welsh “proto-feminist” Gwerful Mechain.

A graduate of Yale and Harvard with two honorary doctorates, he has been a Father Walter Ralston Fellow at the Sewanee Writers Conference and has taught formal poetry at Emerson College and the Frost Farm Poetry Conference. He is a regular contributor for The Claremont Review of Books and Boston’s WGBH public television and radio. He serves on the boards of the National Alliance for Hispanic Health and the Association of Writers and Writing Programs.