Anjuli Fatima Raza Kolb

Anjuli Fatima Raza Kolb grew up in Albany, New York and Cambridge, Massachusetts, and studied Comparative Literature at Columbia, where she also earned a PhD. Her poems, essays, and translations from Urdu have appeared or are forthcoming in Discourse, the Los Angeles Review of Books, Boston Review, Triple Canopy, FENCE, Critical Quarterly, Words Without Borders, The Yale Review, and more.
Raza Kolb is associate professor of English a the University of Toronto, where she teaches poetry and postcolonial theory and literature. She has held the Edward W. Said Fellowship at Columbia’s Heyman Center for the Humanities and served as visiting expert scholar in Women’s Studies at City College, New York. She is the author of the scholarly book Epidemic Empire (University of Chicago Press, 2020). She is also completing two collections of poems: Janaab-e Shikva (Watchqueen), after the Pakistani poet Iqbal, and Mantiq al Tayl (Birdbrains).