B. 1985

Beatriz Miralles de Imperial is a poet, editor, and publisher in Spain. Her books include El viento sopla donde quiere (approximately translated “The Wind Blows Where It Will”; Libros Canto y Cuento, 2020); Oscura deja la piel su sombra (approximately translated “How Dark My Skin Is Left by Her Shadow”; Primera Edición, 2016); and the chapbook La soledad del hombre isla (approximately translated “The Solitude of Man Island”; Creajoven, 2010). She has published poems in English translation in Copper Nickel, Poetry Daily, Four Way Review, and Poetry London. Her poems have also been anthologized in I Antología Ciclo Desdoa

Beatriz Miralles de Imperial is a poet, editor, and publisher in Spain. Her books include El viento sopla donde quiere (approximately translated “The Wind Blows Where It Will”; Libros Canto y Cuento, 2020); Oscura deja la piel su sombra (approximately translated “How Dark My Skin Is Left by Her Shadow”; Primera Edición, 2016); and the chapbook La soledad del hombre isla (approximately translated “The Solitude of Man Island”; Creajoven, 2010). She has published poems in English translation in Copper Nickel, Poetry Daily, Four Way Review, and Poetry London. Her poems have also been anthologized in I Antología Ciclo Desdoblando (approximately translated “Unfolding Cycle Anthology”; Editum, 2014). Miralles de Imperial is the founder and director of the micro-press Ad Minimum and she writes about poetry in Spanish on her blog, Cuaderno portátil (approximately translated “Portable Notebook”). 

blando (approximately translated “Unfolding Cycle Anthology”; Editum, 2014). Miralles de Imperial is the founder and director of the micro-press Ad Minimum and she writes about poetry in Spanish on her blog, Cuaderno portátil (approximately translated “Portable Notebook”).