Brian Brodeur earned a BA from Salem University, an MFA from George Mason University, and a PhD in English literature and creative writing from the University of Cincinnati, where he held the George Elliston Fellowship in poetry. He is the author of the full-length poetry collections Other Latitudes (2008), which won the Akron Poetry Prize, and Natural Causes (2012), winner of the Autumn House Press Poetry Prize. His chapbooks include So the Night Cannot Go on Without Us (2007) and Local Fauna (2015).

Brodeur’s honors and awards include an Academy of American Poets Prize, a Walter E. Dakin Fellowship in Poetry from the Sewanee Writers’ Conference, and two Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Prizes. He curates the blog How a Poem Happens, an online anthology of interviews with poets. Brodeur is an assistant professor of English at Indiana University East and coordinator of the Veteran’s Writing Workshop of Richmond (Indiana).