Carmen Giménez
Born in New York, poet Carmen Giménez earned a BA in English from San Jose State University and an MFA in creative writing from the University of Iowa. She is the author of six collections of poetry, including Cruel Futures (City Lights, 2018); Milk and Filth (2013), a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award; and Goodbye, Flicker (University of Massachusetts Press, 2012), winner of the Juniper Prize for Poetry. She is the author of the memoir Bring Down the Little Birds: On Mothering, Art, Work, and Everything Else (University of Arizona Press, 2010), which received an American Book Award. She also coedited Angels of the Americlypse: New Latin@ Writing (Counterpath Press, 2014).
Giménez is publisher and executive director of Graywolf Press and served as the publisher of Noemi Press for twenty years.