Cedric Tillman

Cedric Tillman is a Cave Canem fellow and was a semifinalist in The Nation’s Discovery contest. His poems have been published in journals and anthologies including RHINO, Pleiades, Barzakh, Solstice Literary Magazine, The Florida Review, and Kakalak, among others. In 2017, his poem “the flag” received special mention recognition for the Pushcart Foundation’s Pushcart Prize.

Tillman’s debut collection, Lilies in the Valley (Willow Books, 2013), was a semifinalist selection for the 42 Miles Press Poetry Award in 2011. His second collection, In My Feelins (Word Poetry, 2020), was published after receiving semifinalist and finalist recognition in the University of Akron, Cleveland State University, Pleiades Press, Saturnalia Books, and Press 53 poetry prizes.

Tillman earned a BA in English from UNC Charlotte and an MFA in creative writing from the American University. Cedric hails from Lilesville, North Carolina and Charlotte, where he currently lives.