Born and raised in Maryland, poet and fiction writer Christine Stewart earned a BA at Goucher College, an MA at Hollins University, and an MFA at the University of Maryland.
In her poetry, Stewart knits the hypothetical to the historical, examining remnant and record as potential sites for transformation. Her poems have appeared in Ploughshares, Smartish Pace, Five Points, Baltimore Review, Blackbird, and elsewhere. Her honors include a Ruth Lilly Fellowship, a Pushcart Prize nomination, a grant from the Maryland State Arts Council, a fellowship from the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, and three awards from the Academy of American Poets. During her three-year residency with the Baltimore nonprofit Creative Alliance, Stewart founded the workshop series Write Here, Write Now. She has served on the staff of the Maryland State Arts Council and has directed Maryland’s Poetry Out Loud competition for the National Endowment for the Arts. She lives in Baltimore.